Use your ADHD superpowers to succeed in your career.

A simple automated to-do list inside your calendar
to help you focus only on what matters the most.

Join for Free A visual representation on the task manger

Automate your
to-do list

Simply name your task, choose its importance level, and set a deadline.

An automated list of tasks will be generated, helping you achieve your goals with ease 🎉

Join for Free
This is a picture of a task pop-up window from the software
This is a picture of the "focus mode" where you can see a small calendar on the side and space for a description and sub-tasks below

Turn on
"Focus Mode"

Our evidence-based feature simplifies your workday. Focus on one task at a time and break it down into smaller sub-tasks.

Use the pomodoro technique to structure your flow into 25-minute increments.

I can finally organize my work and personal life in one unified calendar.